The Madrid’s Sierra Young Orchestra work with TorreMar Studio in consulting, recording and editing all the audio-video material for their Easter program. Come and check!!
This young Orchestra, recently premiered in 2022, already has the support of dozens of collaborating, municipal and public entities, professionally developing young Professional and Higher Level music students from the Sierra de Madrid and surroundings. The orchestra is growing by leaps and bounds, and TorreMar Studio has been fortunate to accompany them in their last Easter concert. On this occasion, TorreMar had the opportunity to create audiovisual records and videos that served both Composers Aday Cartagena and Alejandro Antón who premiered their works, director Javier Hermosa who produced material to send to international competitions and of course to promote this incredible young Orchestra of the mountains of Madrid. Take a look here!
Promo video from Beethoven 5th
Premiere of “Sinfonietta del Artisticón” by the composer Aday Cartagena